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     Social Science Club      
To be interacting with history for the future )

Social science exhibition was conducted at the school level on 5th of October. There were exhibits on numismatics, philately and newspaper making.  The club also celebrated the birthdays of freedom fighters and important historical events.  It is quite commendable that the students of Social Science Club and the Nature Club are organizing a Water Conservation March.

Activity oriented learning gives inspiration to the pupils. The Social Science club provides ample opportunities and exposure to the learners through the following activities.

 ·                 Seminars:

o     On modern techniques in geography

o     On banking

о   Lessons in time management. After completing the seminar tasks in this discipline, students will acquire several practical skills that they will be able to actively apply both in education and at work. After all, it is at this age that you should learn to delegate responsibilities and start cooperating with editors for students to improve your academic results.

 ·                 Exhibitions of related items

o     Still Models

o     Working models

o     Coins

o     Stamps

o     Antique objects

 ·                 Day celebrations

o     Environment day

o     Independence day

o     Hiroshima and Nagasaki day

 ·                 Field trips - Study tours to historical and cultural important places

 ·                 Quiz on relevant topics

 ·                 Collage making

 ·                 Campaigns about road safety

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