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FABULA 2009 - An Annual Interschool Fiesta of Arts and Sports

October 9 - 12, 2009 at Rajagiri Higher   Secondary School, Kalamassery



Organizing Committee

Time Schedule


An Interschool Quiz Competition on General Knowledge

Sapientia - Quiz Competition is one of the events of this mega festival. We cordially invite you to the festival and request you to kindly send students to participate in the Quiz competition. General rules regarding the competition are given below. Soliciting your co-operation. You have an option to buy a custom essay on any topic you wish, inclusing the ones rarely represented in our articles.

General Rules

 ·                   Sapientia   - The Interschool quiz competition will be held on October 10th, 2009 in the Rajagiri Higher Secondary School Auditorium.

 ·                 The competition is on an invitation basis open to all schools following State Board Syllabus/ CBSE/ ICSE Syllabus.

 ·                 The topic for Quiz is General Knowledge.

 ·                 All bona fide students in classes 9, 10, 11, 12 are eligible to participate in the competition.

 ·                 Maximum two teams may be sent from each school.

 ·                 Each team must consist of two   members and one escorting teacher.

 ·                 A Preliminary round of quiz competition will be held at 9.30 a. m. on October 10th, 2009. All the participants are requested to register their names before half an hour early.

 ·                 Those who are selected from the preliminary round will have to appear for the final round at 12 Noon   on the same day.

 ·                 The winner and runner-up school will be awarded an ever rolling trophy and a prize worth Rs.2000/- and Rs. 1000/- respectively.

 ·                 All the participants will be provided free meals/tea.   Gifts and certificates will be given to the participants in the final round.

 ·                 The registration form enclosed herewith must be filled in and sent to the General Convener, Fabula, Rajagiri Higher Secondary School, Kalamassery-683 104 on or before 19th September, 2008 or to .

 ·                 Registration Fee is Rs.50/- per team. Registration fee is to be paid at the time of Registration.

  Download Application Form

One- Act Play Contest

Rules and Regulations

  1. The Interschool One  - Act Play Contest will be held on Monday, October 12, 2009 from 9.00a.m. to 4.00p.m. Bona-fide students of your school are eligible to participate.

  2. Time allotted for play is 30 minutes.

  3. There is no entry fee.

  4. Travelling allowance will be paid @ Rs.5/- per running kilometer to each school.

  5. Lunch will be provided to the participants.

  6. Ever rolling trophies and prize money of Rs.5,000/-, Rs.3,000/- and Rs.2,000/-   will be awarded as first, second and third prizes respectively.

  7. Trophies and Certificates will be awarded to the teams scoring A Grade.

  8. All the Actors/Actresses in the play including the musicians behind the scene should be bona-fide pupils of the school.

  9. The maximum number of participants in the play should be 10 (7 on the stage and 3 in the background)

  10. The theme and a synopsis of the play is to be enclosed with the entry form.

  11. General stage lighting will be set by the host school and it will be kept ON throughout the performance. It will not be switched off during the performance.

  12. The host school will supply the following : Stage mike 1; Microphone 4, Cube 2;       C. D. Player/MP3/Cassette player 1; Cables and stands. Mal  - function or damage to the equipments if caused by the participating school must be compensated.

  13. Special sanction is to be obtained from the principal of the host school for explosions and gunshots, fire etc. if any in the play.

  14. Decisions of the judges are final.

  15. The entry form appended herewith is to be filled in and sent to the General Convener, Rajagiri Higher Secondary School, Kalamassery  - 683 104 latest by Saturday, September 19, 2009.  

  16. The right to make audio visual and sound recordings of the performances vests with the host school.

Download Entry Form 

Painting & Collage Competitions

General Rules & Regulations  

  The Painting & Collage competitions are open to all schools in Kerala (State, CBSE, ICSE Syllabi etc.) on an invitation basis. There is no entry fee for the competition. The contest will be held on Saturday, 10th October 2009 from 9.30 am to 11.30 am. All participants should report at 9.00 am.


The painting competition will be held in the following three categories.

Category A : Classes 1 & 2 (L.P. Section)
Category B : Classes 3 & 4 (L. P. Section)
Category C : Classes 5 to 7 (U.P. Section)

A maximum of 4 students can participate in each category limited to a total maximum of 12 participants for painting competition. Participants of Category A will be given an outline drawing of a picture and they have to paint the picture using water colour or colour pencils or crayons. Participants of Categories B & C will be given a topic and they have to draw the picture and paint it using water colour medium only. The topic will be given only on the spot.


The  Collage competition will be held only for students of classes 5 to 7 (U.P. Section) A maximum of 4 students can participate in collage competition.

PRIZES : First Prize, Second Prize & Third Prize : Trophy + Certificate (For each category) Others : Participation certificate The organizer will provide only a blank drawing sheet for the competition and all other materials for drawing, painting and collage work (magazines, newspapers, gum etc.) should be brought by the participants themselves. All participants will be given free snacks after the competition.

The decision of the Judges will be Final

Rush your entry to The Convener, Painting & Collage Competitions, Fabula 2009 Rajagiri Higher Secondary School, Rajagiri P.O., Kalamassery - 683 104, Ernakulam For further details, please contact Manoj M.P., Phone : 99611 39357

Last Date for Registration: September 19, 2009

Download Application Form

24th Father Francis Sales All Kerala Inter School


Basketball Tournament 2009

Date: Oct. 9th to 12th 2009


 ·               The All Kerala Interschool Basketball Tournament for XXIV Fr. Sales Trophy will be held this year from Oct. 9th to 12th 2009.

 ·               The tournament is open to all High Schools and Higher Secondary Schools (State, CBSE, and ICSE Boards) in the state.

 ·               Students (Boys) who are born on or after 01.01.1991 alone are eligible to participate in the game. 

 ·               There will be no entrance fee for tournament.

 ·               The tournament will be conducted in accordance with the rules of Basketball Federation of India.

 ·               The Tournament will be conducted on league cum knock-out basis.

 ·               The team may be required to play more than one match a day.

 ·               Teams taking part in the tournament will be provided meals till the team is knocked out of the tournament.

 ·               Ever rolling trophies and certificate s will be awarded for winners and runners, Participation certificates will be awarded to all other players.

 ·               The Team Manager/ Coach will be responsible for proper behaviour of the players.

 ·               Dispute, if any, shall be made through the captain of the team to the Principal, Rajagiri Higher Secondary School in writing within half an hour after the game along with a fee of Rs. 200/-. If the contention of the dispute is upheld, the fee will be refunded.

 ·               The decision of the tournament committee will be final in all matters.

 ·               The entry form to be filled in and submitted to the General Convener on or before September 20, 2009.

  Download Entry Form


Football Tournament

Date: Oct.7th to 10th 2009


1. The tournament is on an invitation basis for CMI schools of the Sacred Heart Province Kalamassery.

2. Students (Boys) who are born on or after 01.01.1991 alone are eligible to participate in the game.

3. There will be no entrance fee for tournament.

4. The tournament will be conducted in accordance with the rules of FIFA.

5. The tournament will be conducted on knock-out basis.

6. Teams taking part in the tournament will be provided refreshment till the team is knocked out of the tournament.

7. Ever rolling trophies and certificate s will be awarded for winner and runner, Participation certificates will be awarded to all other players.

8. The Team Manager/ Coach will be responsible for proper behaviour of the players.

9. Dispute, if any, shall be made through the captain of the team to the Principal, Rajagiri Higher Secondary School in writing within half an hour after the game along with a fee of Rs. 200/-. If the contention of the dispute is upheld, the fee will be refunded.

10. The decision of the tournament committee will be final in all matters.

11. The entry form to be filled in and submitted to the General Convener on or before September 20, 2009.

Download Entry Form

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